Who We Are.

Who We Are.

It’s almost the Summer of 2019, we’re almost 24 years strong, and we’re entering a transitional phase of our lives. I know it’s supposed to be scary, but I sit here not frightened but calculated. Calculat..ing. We’ve been planning this for years. It’s possible that all of the planning, guessing, hoping, stressing, cursing, and working has made me feel so calm at this moment, but I know that the real cause of my confidence is none of that. I’m more certain of our future, now more than ever, because of who we are.


Peachtree is all I’ve ever known. I’ve lived in other cities and countries, worked all over for many different people, but all of them were vacations. My real home has always been Peachtree. I’ve spent my life learning from my Father and Mentor. Schools showed me how to work a spreadsheet, but my Father taught me how to know what to put in them. Books taught me the golden ratios of a profitable business, but my Father taught me how to live and die by the cashflow. I’m still paying my student loans, but Peachtree has and remains to be my education. I am Peachtree.


Brian, our resident Big Brother and Kitchen Manager, has been with us for 22 years. He may or may not have helped me procure shitty beers when I may or may not have been under age. He’s a skilled cook, he’s caring, he’s loyal, and he’s way smarter than I am. He’s always there, always, and he’s one of the best people i know. He is Peachtree.


Roger, our man of all things, and the Big Brother you call when you need someone at your back, has been with us for 15 years. He’s the bartender that’s requested by name, the giver of hangovers, he’s the deliverer of buffets, a skilled cook, and the maker of the best pork steaks I’ve ever had. He’s an incredible father of 2. He’s loyal, a great friend, and he is Peachtree.


Zach, my guy, your guy, The guy, has been with us for 12 years. He’s our baker, our cook, and our off site specialist. He’s also a father, balancing his time in the kitchen while still keeping his son the priority. He’s helped us start Beet Box, been an integral role in Sunday Suppers, is always there when we need him, and most importantly he laughs at my jokes. He is Peachtree.


Leigh Ann, our Office Manager, Event Planner, Design Specialist, and Aesthetic Aoficionado, has been with us for 9 years. She’s responsible for quite possibly every single detail of every event we do, as she’s the person that everyone talks to. She’s picked every color, fixture, carpet square, and brick in our building. She’s communicated with every single client we have, and she knows them all by name. She is every bit as integral in Sunday Supper as any of us, yet she gets none of the press, and she doesn’t care. She’s the Wizard behind the curtain, the sorceress of suede. She’s a florist, photographer, a DJ, and a devoted Mother. She’s the taster of all dishes, the sampler of all cocktails, the stylist we all wish we had, and she is absolutely Peachtree.


Amanda...aka Baus Lady...aka Rosie the Riveter...aka The Original Misdemeanor Elliott...akaka the most badass cook I’ve ever known, has been with us for 4 years. That’s it..? Feels like a hell of a lot longer. Not in that Oscar the Grouch kind of way, but in the feels like a lifetime kind of way. She’s a single mother. I could stop there and her accomplishments would be enough, but wait...there’s more. She authors her own website and company, she’s a columnist for not one but two different magazines, she’s a volunteer, she’s a designer, she’s does web designing, she’s a world traveler, and did i mention she’s a badass cook? She’s everything about Sunday Supper and Beet Box. She’s the first one on the dance floor, even when there’s no dance floor. She’s a wing man, a great friend, she’s caring and loyal, a hip hop sommelier, my partner in crime, and she’s quite possibly a Russian spy. She, is Peachtree.


There are so many more with stories all their own, but the point is clear..ish. In August, we open Beet Box as a real brink-and-mortar restaurant, and next year we’re leaving our Event Center behind. We have a bigger business than ever, and endless amounts of work ahead, yet here I sit confident. Not because of ego, or pride, or blind faith, but because I know who we are. I’m not doing this alone; not by a long shot. Peachtree isn’t a building, it’s a People. Rather, it’s a group of people that truly give a shit about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. It’s a family. That’s who we are.